Comprehensive Feeding Evaluation 60 min $250
Birth to 7 years old: breastfeeding or bottle-feeding difficulties, swallowing concerns, differential diagnosis of tongue tie/oral dysfunction, transitioning to solids difficulties, extreme picky eating, airway concerns
Referral(s) to appropriate professional(s) if needed. Written evaluation report + resources provided.
Follow Up Session(s) 45 min $125
*CFT included if needed
*only Florida + New York*

Virtual Consultation
45 min $125
Answering any questions, providing guidance, and resources.
Examples include: feeding and developmental milestones, tummy-time! method education/troubleshooting, how to navigate tongue ties holistically, prenatal/postpartum breastfeeding education, newborn baby care education, non-toxic lifestyle recommendations, HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) onboarding & review
Written report of recommendations + resources provided.
*available internationally*

Cranialsacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)
Initial: 60 min $200
Follow up(s): 45 min $125
Birth trauma - Tongue tie/lip tie - Torticollis
Reflux - Colic - Inability to latch -Difficulty sucking
Difficulty swallowing - Difficulty sleeping
Constipation​ - Asymmetrical head shape - Earache
General Fussiness
Children + Adults:
Asthma - Allergies -Earache - Concussion
ADHD/ADD - Learning disorders - Sinus conditions Anxiety​/Depression - Headaches/Migraines
Mouth breathing - Bedwetting - Scoliosis​
​Hip pain - Insomnia - Pelvic pain - Scars
Digestive issues - Dental trauma - TMJ pain
*Intensives provided upon request*

The First 40 Postpartum Package
This package is for the mother-baby dyad to be seen in the comfort of their own home within the first 40 days postpartum.
This package includes:
latch assessment, breastfeeding/bottlefeeding support, oral-motor functional assessment, 3 sessions of cranial sacral fascial therapy (CFT) for mother and baby, tummy time! method instruction, new born baby care education (i.e., baby wearing, co-sleeping, attachment parenting), and 1 nourishing meal of your choosing.
This package includes unlimited text messaging throughout the first 40 days and 4 in-home sessions.
*only available in The Greater Tampa Bay Area*
Due to the integrative approach of our services, we do not participate with any insurance plans. Payment is due at the time of visit. A super-bill for families to submit to their insurance companies for partial or whole reimbursement (only for evaluations and/or therapy) can be provided upon request.
We accept:
Cash/Debit Card